Hip-Hop/Review Proklaim - soul session

Proklaim (Kult Status) is a Ugandan-born MC raised in Zambia and based in Namibia with a passion to glorify the name of God through the medium of hip-hop music and to do so with excellence and passion.

“soul session”, Proklaim's most recent song, is a modern take on a classic hip-hop song, making it a new listen. “soul session” stands apart at a time when rap tends to be heavy and complicated by going back to the simplicity and purity of early old-school hip-hop and adding a contemporary rap flow to make it current and interesting.

Listeners are taken back to a period of hip-hop history when the genre was all about joy, naiveté, and unadulterated expression as soon as the rhythm hits. Proklaim's well-chosen rhythm has that distinct old-school feel to it; it's upbeat, funky, and really catchy. However, Proklaim's inventive and versatile use of progressive rap flows to overlay this nostalgic soundtrack is what really sets “soul session” apart.

Lyrically, the song embodies the carefree, lighthearted attitude of early hip-hop, but Proklaim's delivery gives it a sophisticated edge that makes it feel both timeless and modern. His skill at fusing the past and present results in a dynamic listening experience that will appeal to both casual listeners and die-hard hip-hop fans.

Proklaim strikes the careful balance between advancing hip-hop and paying homage to the genre's origins in “soul session”. It's a song that honors the happiness and simplicity of early rap while proving that hip-hop can change without losing sight of its original qualities. This song revitalizes hip-hop'sessencerather than merely being a throwback.


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