Rock/Review Thirst and the Cow (TATC) - The Main Sequence at Last

Thirst and the Cow (TATC) is an ambient and progressive rock project by Tim Gardner. Tim is a Portland, Maine-based experimental guitarist and Touch Guitar player. TATC music began as ambient/improvisational instrumental music. TATC has released 4 ambient albums to date (Glacial Pools, Gates, Distances Vol. 1, and Distances Vol. 2). With the release of Time Gardeners in 2021, the project branches into more traditional instrumental progressive rock territory with layers of touch guitars, polyrhythms, and ambient textures.

"The Main Sequence at Last" by Thirst and the Cow (TATC) is a mesmerizing journey into the realms of prog and post-prog, showcasing instrumental brilliance and pushing the boundaries of musical evolution. The album, featuring a prominent role for the Touch Guitars U8, immerses listeners in a sonic landscape crafted with meticulous attention to detail. TATC employs a layered approach, seamlessly weaving interlocking and evolving parts that place a strong emphasis on rhythmic elements.

From the opening notes, "The Main Sequence at Last" unveils a sonic tapestry that is both intricate and immersive. TATC's exploration of odd and changing time signatures, along with the incorporation of polyrhythms, reflects a dedication to pushing the boundaries of progressive music. The album's instrumental nature allows each composition to tell a story without the need for lyrics, creating a canvas for listeners to interpret and appreciate the evolving musical narratives.

Conceptually, the album is a thematic triumph, loosely based on different concepts of evolution. TATC draws inspiration from the lifecycle of stars and galaxies, the evolution of life and matter, and the progression of civilizations. The title, "The Main Sequence at Last," poetically refers to the pivotal phase in a star's lifecycle when it begins fusing hydrogen to produce energy. This conceptual framework adds depth to the listening experience, inviting audiences to embark on a cosmic journey through sound.

TATC becomes instrumental for using Touch Guitars U8 as its central device. The instrument’s particular timbrality renders something special to the album and provides an almost infinite painting in sound for the band experiments. It is just incredible how talented TATC are in every aspect of this album and their professionalism really sets high precedents.

Finally, TATC "The Main Sequence at Last" is a magnum opus because it does not only mean a set of songs but its a sonic journey through the history of music. "The Main Sequence at Last" certainly puts TATC where they belong in the progressive music genre. One should listen to this album if they want to undergo a profound transformation in their lives through music.


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