Metal/Review Awaiting Abigail - I Hate You

Formed in 2024 when Abigail Hill joined the project, "Awaiting Abigail" is, in part, a reuinion of three high school classmates that were in bands together in the mid-to-late '90s: Heather, James, and Laurie. Together, they were most associated with the band Lost Reality until 2000.

Awaiting Abigail's most recent single, “I Hate You,” is an explosive hymn of fury and resistance that channels raw emotion into a grooving, hard-hitting music. The song portrays the toxic drama of school and workplace gossip, sending an uncensored message to those who feed off hearsay and manipulation. With its addictive rhythm and strong breakdown, “I Hate You” is both therapeutic and shameless.

The music begins with a tight, driving beat that builds tension until the powerful 6/4 halfway breakdown in the chorus. This speed shift lends a tremendous, crushing weight to the song's central theme, evoking the bottled-up rage and frustration that comes with dealing with poisonous people. The raw and emotionally driven vocals offer a stated depth of realism, making it difficult not to feel the impact of the words.

The song's conclusion is sheer pleasure, with the bully finally getting what he deserves, highlighted by a shredding outro guitar solo and a thumping, furious ending diatribe. The musical work is as forceful as the words, combining elements of alternative metal, post-hardcore, and hard rock to produce a sound that is visceral and memorable.

Awaiting Abigail's tune “I Hate You” is bold and empathetic, speaking to anybody who has ever dealt with gossip, manipulation, or betrayal. It's the ideal hymn for people who refuse to remain silent—and aren't scared to expose the drama for what it is.


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