Interview - Jess Yaffa

Jess Yaffa is a 23-year-old singer-songwriter from New York who combines relatable lyrics with a smooth and upbeat pop/rock sound. She began singing at four years old and honed her songwriting skills throughout middle and high school in order to understand the struggles and excitement of growing up. In 2019 she released her debut EP, “intro,” produced by Grammy-winning producer Scott Jacoby and mastered by Grammy-winning engineer Emily Lazar.

Hello Jess Yaffa. Your debut album, Thoughts That Keep Me Up At Night, drops on April 4! What inspired the title, and how does it reflect the themes of the album?

Jess - Hi! Yes, the title is most definitely reflective of the theme…. I would say it's twofold. My songwriting process usually involves a lot of late-night ideas that come to mind as I am falling asleep and they tend to be rooted in emotions/moments that I am processing at the time. Thoughts That Keep Me Up At Night not only acknowledges my artistic process throughout the years but also the myriad of questions and moments that can weigh on someone as they grow and as they experience new things.

You’ve been working on this album for a few years, while you attended college and got a degree. How has your sound and songwriting evolved over that time?

Jess - I wrote the first song for this album when I was 16 years old and I wrote the last one when I was 21 so a huge part of this album reflects on my evolution as a person and as a songwriter/artist. Growth is a primary theme so I hope that people can see that, even though the album isn't in chronological order, it is a celebration of personal development that I think people can relate to.

You collaborated with Grammy-winning producer Scott Jacoby. What was it like working with him, and how did he help shape the album’s sound?

Jess - I met Scott when I was 16 years old and this album wouldn’t exist without him. He has been such an amazing mentor that has pushed me to be a better artist and has also helped champion and develop my ideas as I’ve grown. We would sit together and conceptualize the sound and story for each song, and I am so grateful for all of his guidance. I have learned so much from him over the past 7 years and am lucky to continue to learn from him.

Your music blends raw emotion with anthemic pop-rock hooks. How do you balance vulnerability with high-energy rock in your songwriting?

Jess - Songwriting helps me process emotion and my goal is that the sound of each song can help connect these feelings with others. Hooks can draw people in but the substance surrounding it really helps build the story, so I like to make sure that vulnerability and catchiness are complimentary.

Your singles In The Key of Chaos and Just for One Night have already made an impact. How do these songs set the stage for the full album?

Jess - Both of these songs are just pieces of this puzzle and set a solid foundation for the themes of the album - Growth, Reflection, Self-Acceptance, Living In The Moment, Love, Friendship and many more. There is more of the anthemic sound of Just For One Night and the lighter nature of In The Key Of Chaos to come….

As a hands-on artist who also directs and produces your own music videos, how important is visual storytelling to your music?

Jess - Visuals and music go hand in hand - I love building visual stories around my music because it both provides more context for what the song is about and continues the story as well. Getting to learn about new ways to make content and videos is always so exciting and I can’t wait to keep making them!

Is there a particular song on the album that feels the most personal to you? Can you share the story behind it?

Jess - I can’t pick just one because they’re all so special to me but Too Much, Never Enough has become a favorite of mine over time. It took a little bit because I think it was more personal than most songs I’ve written but I think that it’s a song that a ton of people can relate to so I am excited for people to hear it!

Pop-rock is making a big comeback—who are some of your biggest influences, and how do they inspire your sound?

Jess - I was lucky to grow up with parents who were constantly playing music and talking about music so I have influences that span from 90s Hip-Hop and R&B to Bruce Springsteen and 70s Rock and Roll. I grew up being a fan of huge powerhouse vocalists such as Etta James and Amy Winehouse and fell in love with the sound and aura of Florence and The Machine, Maggie Rogers, and The Strokes as I got older. I think that the combination of the two has given me my pop rock sounding board and I am inspired by artists every single day to keep growing!

What do you hope listeners take away from Thoughts That Keep Me Up At Night? Do you see this album as a reflection of your journey so far?

Jess - This album has been everything to me over the past few years. It has been an ever-changing constant that has kept me creative, taught me how to be a better artist, and has allowed me to express myself and process my journey over the past 5/6 years. While It's a coming-of-age story that is rooted in experiences from my life and those around me, it has something for everyone. I hope that listeners can feel less alone and come together through relating to the human-ness of what the music is about.

With the album’s release coming up, what’s next for you? Any upcoming tours, collaborations, or music videos in the works?

Jess - I have been playing shows all around New York over the past few years and am playing Breaking Sound NYC at Piano’s on April 22nd and opening for Australian singer-songwriter Amalia on May 7th at Purgatory. I can't wait to keep making music this summer and playing shows any chance I can get while also making a music video for Just For One Night and future tracks. People can stay up to date with me, my music and shows on Instagram

IG @byjessyaffa


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