Rock/Review MAL - Come To Light

From deep within the bowels of Van Nuys, California, and born from a love of dark, interesting, and moody music, MAL was created in 2012. The three members, Kristopher Jung (vocals/guitar), Peter Hollywood (bass), and Brendan Reynolds (drums), came together to write, perform, and record for their own amusement and passion.

MAL's album "Come To Light" is a sonic exploration of the turbulent emotions that accompany a world mired in confusion, madness, and distrust. It's an album that refuses to be confined by genre, delivering a captivating journey that meanders through the realms of rock and alternative while maintaining an intriguingly eclectic character.

From the outset, "Come To Light" establishes its thematic complexity. It's an album that mirrors the chaotic and unpredictable nature of the world, reflecting the ups and downs of human existence. The lyrics are introspective, often delving into personal experiences and emotional turmoil, creating an intimate connection with the listener.

One of the album's defining characteristics is its refusal to adhere to a single musical style. Instead, MAL seamlessly weaves through various sub-genres within rock and alternative, creating a rich and ever-evolving sonic landscape. This genre-fluidity adds depth and intrigue to the listening experience, as each track offers a fresh perspective and musical backdrop.

The opening track sets the tone with its dynamic instrumentation and impassioned vocals, drawing the listener into a world of raw and unfiltered emotion. From there, "Come To Light" embarks on a journey that ranges from the melodic and introspective to the bold and anthemic. Tracks like "Besides" showcase MAL's ability to craft hook-driven, radio-friendly rock songs, while others like "5 On Eye" delve into darker, more experimental territory.

The production quality of the album is commendable, with each instrument and vocal element finding its place within the mix. This attention to detail enhances the album's ability to convey the intricacies of the emotional landscapes explored within.

One of the standout qualities of "Come To Light" is the authenticity of MAL's delivery. The lyrics are deeply personal, and the vocal performance carries a genuine sense of emotion. This authenticity invites the listener to connect on a profound level, as they explore the highs and lows of the human experience alongside the band.

"Come To Light" is an album that refuses to be pigeonholed or confined by the boundaries of genre. It's a testament to MAL's artistic vision and willingness to experiment with their sound. In a world filled with uncertainty, this album serves as a musical companion for those navigating the complex and ever-changing emotional landscape of our times. With its genre-defying approach and raw emotional honesty, "Come To Light" stands as a captivating and thought-provoking addition to the rock and alternative music landscape.


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