Rock/Review The Survival Code - For Right, Or Wrong, For Better, Or Worse

The Survival Code are a London based rock duo known for their beefy, guitar laden songs, banging beats and huge live shows. The rock duo comprise of Gary McGuinness (guitar, vox) and Simon Hartop (drums, vox).

"For Right, Or Wrong, For Better, Or Worse" explores the theme of moral ambiguity and how it can be difficult to determine what is truly right or wrong in certain situations. It's a reflection of the complex world we live in and the challenges we face when trying to make ethical decisions.

However, just like with ethical decisions, sometimes what may seem edgy or frantic in music can be appropriate and enjoyable in certain situations. It all depends on context and personal preferences. 

The Survival Code has shown its genius and is worthy of being emulated.


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